
Tuesday, 23 July 2013

More of My Artwork

Greetings one and all,

After drawing Clash of the Titans I started other drawings from movies. One thing to remember if you're an artist is to never get rid of your older work because when you look back on your first achievements to your latest you will see the evolution of your art. There are several more I'm yet to do but, I'll leave that till next time.

Enjoy and farewell.


In this drawing I wanted to make the
center to be the three Elvish swords

Sting,Orcrist and Glamdring have to be
some of my ultimate favorite swords
Out of the characters in the Hobbit drawing
Thorin has the most detail to draw
Drawing Gandalf in his many shades of grey was quite easy
compared to other characters I've drawn with lots of detail and colour

Most of the detail in Cap's uniform
was drawn from memory

How Heroic!!!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

My Artwork


My latetest drawing. 
Hey guys, 

Besides carpentry, I love art and drawing. I started when my imagination started to come out with all sorts of characters and fantasies. Together, with my older brother, Joe, we have always loved drawing and creating stories and worlds. 

The ones at the bottom are the first pictures I drew from the movie with not much  to copy from. The one to the left is the latest picture I've drawn from the movie with several other oringinal images to help.

Very Cool! 
This picture I used as the
 center of my drawing

The best pet EVER!! 
This image really helped with 
drawing the Scorpions

Sorry about the spelling mistake, I guess I was
concentrating on the drawing too much


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Swords and Shields

My steadily growing private collection... To arms!
Hello there, 

 Knights, Gladiators, Vikings and all other Warriors. As you can see I haven't yet finished some shields but they were made the same way as the Captain America shield, which you can see in the previous post, "Captain America Shield".

 The majority of the swords I made myself but two swords (bottom right) were made by two of my brothers as birthday presents (before I started woodwork). With only a few tools, jigsaw, sandpaper and spray paint all swords were made the same way with a few changes of design and decoration. I have been asked what my favorite one is and even though I do prefer shorter swords I couldn't say. I've fought with many different types from multiple periods of history over time and have come to appreciate most. The next question is: what's yours? Comment below and let me know!

A Viking sword I have to say is quite a favorite of mine
Greek scorpion shield

Bellow are clips of swords and shields being used from two my favorite movies.  

Please have your parents consent before watching these videos below