
Friday, 21 February 2014

Gladiator Sword: Reconstruction

Greetings Roman Citizens,

As long as I can remember I've always had a great interest and fascination in Roman history. It was quite a while ago now that I managed to purchase one of my most favourite swords, a Roman Spatha. Ever since owning it I always knew the handle was a little weak but it was just recently that it decided to fall apart. So you can all guess what I was about to do next. That's right! I was going to make new one. With only a couple of tools and a lot of patience I managed to do it. It didn't take that long to make but it was quite difficult. After I had finish it I named it ''Aquila'' which is Latin for ''Eagle''.

Enjoy the pictures below and GAUDETE (farewell)!

My Gladiator sword

I cut out pieces roughly the same size for each part
and then got to work on shaping them

I drilled a hole in each piece to assemble them

I wood burned a few details on the grip

Then stained the gaurd and pomel
and glued them together
I repainted some of the gold pieces and
used them on my new sword

I'm really happy with the outcome but I just
hope none of my other swords fall apart