After working on a few bits recently I've uploaded some photos of some new projects. Below I've added a sign I made for the same shop I made the clock for. There's also three projects I made at Dereham Community Hub Workshop. Hope you like the pictures and stay tuned for the next post.
Till next time,
A wooden table I constructed with one of the carpenters at the workshop |
We did a coat of wax after painting it |
We also added a bit of detail inside the heart |
A piece I cut out and used for the back of a chair |
My very first wooden chair |
Our wooden table |
The beginning of another 'shield' |
One the carpenters suggested that to get the shape I wanted I should draw it first then cut round it |
Adding the handle was quite difficult but somehow I managed it |
Then I stained it with some vintage colours |
And so once again, I made another 'shield' |