My fellow manly carpenters and folk of the such like trades,
As you all may know I have previously made a ''Sting'' (see previous posts "The Hobbit - Sting" and "The Hobbit - The Making of Sting") but I wanted to make another one and this time with a scabbard. It took me a while to figure out the best way to do it but I finally found a way. It sure wasn't the easiest project I've done, however I'm always up for a challenge.
Enjoy the pictures below and part two is coming.
Here we go again |
Jigsawing the blade |
The whole sword was made from only these three parts |
Gluing all peices together |
Well, that's the sword finished for now |
Now onto the scabbard |
Useing only a hammer and a chisle I managed to carve out the shape I needed |
Umm, well, yeah, I accidently chisled a bit too far and made a little crack but I soon found a way to fix it |
I was really pleased with the outcome of the shape |
Gluing another peice of wood to finish off the scabbard (for now) |
Every time I see that scabbard I still am utterly bamboozled at how good a job you did on that, Zac. Absolutely fantastic work!