
Sunday, 23 March 2014

Sting and Scabbard Part 1

My fellow manly carpenters and folk of the such like trades,

As you all may know I have previously made a ''Sting'' (see previous posts "The Hobbit - Sting" and "The Hobbit - The Making of Sting") but I wanted to make another one and this time with a scabbard. It took me a while to figure out the best way to do it but I finally found a way. It sure wasn't the easiest project I've done, however I'm always up for a challenge.  

Enjoy the pictures below and part two is coming.

Here we go again

Jigsawing the blade

The whole sword was made
from only these three parts

Gluing all peices together

Well, that's the sword finished for now

Now onto the scabbard

Useing only a hammer and a chisle I managed
to carve out the shape I needed

Umm, well, yeah, I accidently chisled a bit too far and
made a little crack but I soon found a way to fix it

I was really pleased with the outcome of the shape

Gluing another peice of wood to finish off the scabbard (for now)

1 comment:

  1. Every time I see that scabbard I still am utterly bamboozled at how good a job you did on that, Zac. Absolutely fantastic work!
