
Tuesday 2 July 2013

Swords and Shields

My steadily growing private collection... To arms!
Hello there, 

 Knights, Gladiators, Vikings and all other Warriors. As you can see I haven't yet finished some shields but they were made the same way as the Captain America shield, which you can see in the previous post, "Captain America Shield".

 The majority of the swords I made myself but two swords (bottom right) were made by two of my brothers as birthday presents (before I started woodwork). With only a few tools, jigsaw, sandpaper and spray paint all swords were made the same way with a few changes of design and decoration. I have been asked what my favorite one is and even though I do prefer shorter swords I couldn't say. I've fought with many different types from multiple periods of history over time and have come to appreciate most. The next question is: what's yours? Comment below and let me know!

A Viking sword I have to say is quite a favorite of mine
Greek scorpion shield

Bellow are clips of swords and shields being used from two my favorite movies.  

Please have your parents consent before watching these videos below


  1. Wow, that photo of you with that vast array of weaponry is pretty awesome! Brilliant post Zac.

  2. My favorite sword is the one your leaning on
    Great blog.

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for the comment. The one I'm leaning on is the one we call 'The Beast'. If you are interested, I do customized swords done to our customers' specifications which are made to order in my workshop here at Zaxon Carpentry.

  3. your swords have definetly got better!! My Favorite would be either the one you are holding, or the big brownish one in the background.
    Keep up the fantastic work!
